John Babineau, Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital, Pediatrics

Project Name/Topic: Improving the alignment of Housestaff Quality Education with the Goals of NYP
Mentor and Sponsor: Mentor: Michael Loftus, Sponsor: Dan Barchi
Goal of the project: Provide a more standardized approach to housestaff quality education at NYP while enhancing trainee participation in NYP quality improvement efforts

An update on any work that has been done thus far, any interesting findings, and/or anticipated next steps: I have joined in ongoing efforts of my mentor Michael Loftus (ACQO and Associate DIO) as well as Lyuba Konopasek, Jason Adelman(ACQO) and Robert Green(VP for Quality and Patient Safety) as part of the current re-design of GME here at NYP (under the guidance of Craig Albanese, Lauren Wasson and Irene Louh) to help develop and deliver a new quality improvement curriculum for housestaff that will help them to not only meet ACGME requirements but also provide them with the background to enable their better understanding for meaningful participation in quality initiatives here at NYP. Daniel Barchi (SVP and CIO), has connected me with IT resources to begin work on a Quality Project Dashboard that will provide housestaff with access to current on-going quality initiatives at NYP as well as facilitate their participation in this work. I am currently working with Robert Green and Michelle Evangelista from the Quality Department as well as Sofia Fatalevich (IT) and Mary Quinn (Director of Nursing Quality) to add functionality to the current site that will aid in the development of new project ideas as well as serve as a way to link similar work and goals across campuses while providing structure and guidance to facilitate the progress of the project.
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